3 Tips for Using Hypnosis to Stop Emotional Eating

Why Hypnosis?

If you are looking for a solution for your emotional eating then Hypnosis will probably provide a solution for you. This is because hypnosis or hypnotherapy can transcend the practical logical mind and take you to the more emotional part of the mind which is often the driver for behaviours that get out of control, like emotional eating.

Many people think that hypnosis is some kind of mind control. However, this is not the case at all. Hypnosis, in fact, is a way to free the mind to enable a release of the underlying compulsive behaviours that control us. You see, your unconscious mind is already controlling you in a way that results in emotional eating. Now imagine what it might be like if you didn't have your mind driving you to think about eating food every time something went wrong as a way to feel better. Hypnosis can release you of your thinking about food as a way to make yourself feel better.

Hypnosis can also change your behaviour. A good therapist will address your rituals and habits around food. For example, many people binge eat as soon as they get in the door after a hard day at work. Imagine what it might be like to go for a run, meditate or do Yoga instead. Hypnotherapy can also help you to develop much more satisfying and healthy eating habits and a much healthier relationship with food.

Hypnosis can also help you to not only understand the origins and causes of your emotional eating habit, but help you to release the habit from the unconscious mind, so that you don't think about eating as a habit when things go wrong. This process is called regression and should be done with the help of a skilled therapist so that the cause for your emotional eating habit can be erased and healed. Once this has occurred you will be really free. Many people find this truly liberating and feel lighter as a result.

Finally, hypnosis can help you feel much better in yourself and about yourself so that you find less emotional reactivity to deal with in the first place. You can feel more confident and relaxed with hypnotherapy.

In conclusion, hypnosis does offer a way for individuals to overcome emotional eating problems. People have often said to me that they cannot imagine having a healthy relationship with food. Yet, but the end of therapy the do. Such a change can be quite profound.

If you need help with emotional eating in Sydney the call Jeremy on (02) 9518 9912.

Jeremy Barbouttis
Clinical Hypnotherapist & Counsellor


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