Problems with rheumatoid arthritis are common and affect millions of people throughout the world. Most are left with no options but to rely upon prescription drugs, which are provided to them by medical practitioners. There are a number of alternative therapies, which can also be adopted but for some reason, people tend to rely upon the pharmaceutical variety failing to understand that they could be exposed to the side-effects of drugs. Now it has been revealed that a natural remedy made from bees is also able to deliver similar results can provide relief to the millions who suffer from this condition.
Propolis is a component which has been recognized for the properties which can help improve the immune system of the body. It also boosts and balances the immune system in a way which proves beneficial. It is for this reason that researchers have begun conducting studies to understand whether propolis can be used to deal with conditions of rheumatoid arthritis.
Research was conducted on mice to see how they would react to a problem related to rheumatoid arthritis when given propolis as a remedy. The results witnessed not only proved a reduction in inflammation among mice because of the propolis that was injected in them but showed that t mice could be better regulated because the propolis used, managed to suppress their immune systems. It was also observed that mice that were fed propolis displayed lower scores of clinical arthritis than the mice who were being fed with a regular diet.
No information is available about the dosage administered to the mice that showed an improvement. Therefore, a conclusion about how much propolis humans should use to deal with this condition is not clear. However, it has been estimated that people will have to take several grams of propolis a day before they can see any improvement in their condition.
People who are using this remedy may have to consume several chunks of the same every day or if using the powdered version they could perhaps manage with half a teaspoon of propolis. Further studies may reveal information about the dosage that humans must consume in order to find relief from rheumatoid arthritis. However, there is no reason why people cannot make a beginning right away and try to discover for themselves information about the dosage which they will need. They will have to ensure that they are not allergic to bee products after which they can embark on a journey, which will definitely provide them with plenty of benefits.
Click here to learn more about the benefits of HealbyNature Bee Pollen from New Zealand
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