First of all it should be mentioned that there are three types of diabetes with these being Type 1, which is rare amongst adults, but more common in children, Type 2, which accounts for the vast majority of cases, and finally Gestational Diabetes. In order to provide you with as much information as possible each one will be looked at individually.
Type 1 diabetes
Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes tend to develop quite quickly and indeed some people may develop them within a matter of weeks rather than months although identifying Type 1 is particularly tricky. The list of symptoms are in no distinct order and it is common to only develop some of them and not others.
The first signs are quite often feeling extremely tired and fatigued, having a feeling of real thirst, and therefore going to the toilet more often and feeling as if you need to eat more. One peculiarity about Type 1 is that you eat more, but lose weight so if you are shedding pounds and there is no apparent reason for it, then diabetes might be what is behind it all. Aside from this you may notice your vision becomes blurred and there could be issues with your skin in regard to it being dry or sores struggling to heal as quickly as they normally do.
Finally with Type 1 diabetes there are often stomach issues with a general feeling of nausea and stomach pains being quite common. It is important to determine if they are associated with other symptoms or if it is just a simple stomach bug.
Type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is the most common in adults as it is something that develops over time so the symptoms will tend to come on gradually and this may make it harder to identify that there is indeed a problem. One problem is that they can easily be dismissed by people as being nothing important, but this in itself can be dangerous as it does mean the eventual damage can be more severe.
As with Type 1 the main symptoms that you will tend to notice at first include the same feeling of fatigue, thirst due to a constant dry mouth, and having to urinate more especially at night. You may also experience strange episodes of either weight loss or indeed weight gain and there could be an increase in the number of headaches you get. There could also be issues with your eyesight and a general tingling sensation in your extremities and you may appear to pick up more infections than before as well.
These symptoms are the same as Type 1; however, if you are over 40 years of age and developing them, then it will tend to be Type 2 diabetes that you are suffering from.
Gestational diabetes
The third type is gestational diabetes and this is often discovered when a woman is being scanned during pregnancy. It is more likely to affect someone who has had a close relation that is diabetic, they are overweight, older than 25 and has given birth to a baby over nine pounds in weight. Gestational diabetes can recur so it is possible that pregnant women may have it with each pregnancy and if you tick any of the boxes that were just mentioned, then it may be best to contact your doctor for a blood test.
Women who have gestational diabetes will then tend to suffer from the same common symptoms that were listed above with Type 1 and Type 2. This means the woman may suffer from fatigue, being thirsty, urinating a lot more along with other symptoms, but the problem is that they do come across as being a normal pregnancy and the symptoms will often disappear after the birth.
So those are the first symptoms of diabetes that you need to be aware of for all three types that you may potentially suffer from. Do be aware that not everyone is going to get each symptom at the same time, which is why it can be so difficult to detect. If you have any doubts, then do contact your doctor immediately so they can carry out the correct test and confirm it once and for all.
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