Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical treatment that has been in practice for over 2,000 years. Acupuncture therapy is now used by practitioners in mainstream medicine to complement courses of treatment for patients suffering from more than 40 different medical conditions. There are many benefits of acupuncture enjoyed by patients all over the world. Here, just two of those benefits will be discussed: pain relief and treatment of medical conditions.
Pain Relief
The most widespread use of acupuncture is in the treatment of pain. The World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health in the U.S. list acupuncture as an effective treatment for chronic pain associated with a variety of different injuries and medical disorders, including:
Dental Pain
Facial pain
Knee pain
Labor pains
Low back pain
Neck pain
Postoperative pain
Tennis elbow
Dental Pain
Facial pain
Knee pain
Labor pains
Low back pain
Neck pain
Postoperative pain
Tennis elbow
Treatment of Medical Conditions
In addition to pain management, acupuncture has also been proven effective for the treatment of all of the following:
Gastritis and gastrointestinal disorders
Morning sickness
Side effects, including nausea and vomiting, of radiation therapy and chemotherapy
Gastritis and gastrointestinal disorders
Morning sickness
Side effects, including nausea and vomiting, of radiation therapy and chemotherapy
Stroke rehabilitation
Several studies are currently underway to examine the potential of acupuncture therapy in the treatment of a wide range of other medical disorders and diseases. The list of medical conditions that can be treated with acupuncture therapy is therefore expected to grow exponentially in the coming decades.
How to Choose an Acupuncturist
If you have been thinking about getting acupuncture therapy for your medical condition, you need to make sure the acupuncturist you choose is licensed and certified. The following are four steps you should take if you are considering acupuncture therapy:
1. Get recommendations from your medical doctor or from friends and family members you trust.
2. Research the acupuncturist's training and credentials. Finding a naturopathic doctor who performs
acupuncture therapy is the best choice. At a minimum, the practitioner you choose should be licensed by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
acupuncture therapy is the best choice. At a minimum, the practitioner you choose should be licensed by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
3. Have a face-to-face interview with the acupuncturist. Ask questions about your treatment, including the benefits you can expect and how much it will cost.
4. Check with your insurance provider to find out if the treatment is covered under your insurance policy.
To learn more about acupuncture benefits, or to give acupuncture therapy a try, contact a licensed practitioner near you. A certified acupuncturist can evaluate your condition and come up with a therapy regimen that is best suited to treat your medical issues.
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Hello! I agree with your post and choosing the right acupuncturist must be licensed and you must check the reviews of the patients, for sure they have a website.For me this are my pointers to consider on your first session in acupuncture in miami .