How to Reduce Home Allergies

The reasons why some people suffer from allergies inside their own home can be reduced to 3 simple things (besides food allergies). Dust mites, molds and pets. Here are some tips really easy to implement to help the allergies sufferers in your house.

There are not many choices when it comes to pet allergies. You can either get rid of the pet, leave the pet outside or in the garage when the weather is too bad, or get a hypoallergenic pet such as an iguana or a snake. Yes, that is right, only scaly skinned animals are proven to be hypoallergenic. If you are not a reptile fan, some dogs and cats are less prone to trigger allergies such as poodles, bichons, Irish water spaniels and Devon rex cats.

Dust mites like mold like humidity. Make sure your house is well ventilated and that the humidity level is not too high. You may want to consider purchasing a de-humidifier or have one installed on their air-conditioners. Because they like humidity, dust mites usually live in mattresses and pillows. Make sure your wash your sheets and pillow cases weekly in hot water or tumble dry hot for 10 minutes after they are dry. You can also encase your mattresses and pillows in specialized impermeable covers.

Vacuum and dust often to get rid of dust mites residues. Allow 20 minutes for the dust in the air generated by the vacuuming and dusting to settle before mopping the floors. Getting rid of the carpet in your house, especially the bedroom may be a more expensive solution but would really make a noticeable difference in terms of reducing allergies.

Mold is a fungus. Some diseases can be caused by molds, usually as a result of allergic sensitivity to their spores or caused by toxic compounds produced as molds grow. Molds are responsible for food spoilage and sometimes damage to property. It is important to. Molds grow in humid, warm, dark places so it is important to control the level of humidity in your house and clean your bathroom regularly.

Make sure you don't create more harm than good by using super toxic mold and mildew remover or bleach. Some green products are as efficient as harsh chemicals and will not put your health at risk. Same for the laundry detergent and fabric softener you are using to get rid of the dust mites on your sheets and pillow cases: formaldehyde and synthetic fragrances can increase occurrences of allergic reaction and asthma. Do your research to get green products will reducing home allergies.

For more tips on how to safely reduce home allergies, click here.

Sophie Gratton is a busy mother of 3 who is dedicated to inform others moms about the dangers of toxic household products. Click here for more tips on how to make your home a safer place.


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